-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Sage 4.6 was released on 31 October 2010. It is available at http://www.sagemath.org/download.html * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org) Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages. It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to any of these Google groups: * sage-support: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support * sage-devel: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel You can also drop by in #sage-devel on freenode. Please report build and doctest results to the Google group * sage-release: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release The following 76 people contributed to this release. Of those, 14 made their first contribution to Sage: * Adam Webb * Alex Ghitza * Alexander Dreyer * Andrey Novoseltsev * Anna Haensch * Armin Straub * Arnaud Bergeron * Billy Wonderly * Burcin Eröcal * Carl Witty * Charlie Turner * Chris Wuthrich * Christopher Schwan * Craig Citro * Dan Drake * Dana Ernst [first contribution] * David Harvey * David Joyner * David Kirkby * David Loeffler * David Poetzsch-Heffter [first contribution] * David Roe * Dmitrii Pasechnik * Ed Scheinerman [first contribution] * Florent Hivert * Franco Saliola * François Bissey * Hans Schönemann * Harald Schilly * Ivan Andrus * Jason Bandlow * Jason Grout * Jean-Pierre Flori [first contribution] * Jeroen Demeyer * Johan Grönqvist [first contribution] * Johan Sebastian Rosenkilde Nielsen [first contribution] * John Cremona * John Palmieri * Joris Vankerschaver [first contribution] * Karl-Dieter Crisman * Leif Leonhardy * Leonardo Sampaio * Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso * Maarten Derickx [first contribution] * Marco Streng * Marshall Hampton * Martin Albrecht * Mike Hansen * Minh Van Nguyen * Mitesh Patel * Nathann Cohen * Nick Alexander * Niles Johnson [first contribution] * Oriol Castejon [first contribution] * Pablo Angulo * Paul Zimmermann * Peter Jeremy * Philippe Theveny * Pin-Hung Kao [first contribution] * Richard Lindner * Rishikesh * Rob Beezer * Robert Bradshaw * Robert Dodier [first contribution] * Robert Mařík * Ryan Grout [first contribution] * Ryan Hinton * Sebastian Pancratz * Simon King * Sébastien Labbé * Thomas Bächler [first contribution] * Tim Dumol * Vincent Delecroix * Volker Braun * William Stein * Yann Laigle-Chapuy * Release manager: Mitesh Patel. Jeroen Demeyer will manage the 4.6.1 cycle. * Bug statistics: We closed 180 tickets. For details see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-4.6 or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement. * Doctesting coverage * Overall weighted coverage score: 84.3% (83.8% for 4.5.3) * Total number of functions: 26592 (26178 for 4.5.3) * Closed tickets: #9675: Oriol Castejon: New package: Brian, a simulator for spiking neural networks [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9768: Alexander Dreyer: Fix PolyBoRi's broken dynamic libraries [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #9837: Leif Leonhardy, Jeroen Demeyer: Bug in MPIR 2.1.1 in mpz_divexact() [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy, Jeroen Demeyer] #9857: Marshall Hampton: Upgrade biopython to version 1.55 (released Augest 31, 2010) [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #9926: Doctest error in sage/schemes/generic/toric_divisor.py on OS X #10036: Mitesh Patel: SageNB 0.8.6 [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #10081: Another doctest failure in sage/graphs/graphs.py #10092: David Kirkby: export FC, F77, F90 and F95 from scipy_sandbox [Reviewed by François Bissey] Merged in sagenb: #9000: William Stein: sage notebook: change default interact color selector [Reviewed by Tim Dumol; merged in sagenb-0.8.3] #9148: Christopher Schwan: Fix deprecated sha module usage in wiki2html.py [Reviewed by Mike Hansen; merged in sagenb-0.8.3] #9327: David Poetzsch-Heffter: Bugs in the Simple Sage Server API of sagenb [Reviewed by Jason Grout; merged in sagenb-0.8.3] #9822: Jason Grout: Sage only examines the last cookie for a username [Reviewed by Tim Dumol; merged in sagenb-0.8.3] #9920: Tim Dumol: Ease SageNB development by providing hg commands, and extracting packages to /devel [Reviewed by Jason Grout; merged in sagenb-0.8.4] Merged in sage-4.6.alpha0: #9343: Robert Bradshaw, John Cremona, Jeroen Demeyer, William Stein, David Kirkby: Upgrade PARI to svn snapshot 12577 - a pre-release of PARI 2.4.3. [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, John Cremona, Jeroen Demeyer, William Stein, David Kirkby, François Bissey, Leif Leonhardy] #9591: Jeroen Demeyer, Mitesh Patel: Upgrade genus2reduction due to Pari upgrade to svn snapshot 12577 - a pre-release of Pari 2.4.3 [Reviewed by François Bissey, Mitesh Patel, Leif Leonhardy] #9592: John Cremona, Jeroen Demeyer, Rishikesh: Upgrade lcalc to work with Pari svn snapshot 12577 - a pre-release of Pari 2.4.3 [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer, Leif Leonhardy, Mitesh Patel] #9636: Jeroen Demeyer: Catch output from PARI in Sage [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9750: Jeroen Demeyer: Document that PARI no longer assumes more than GRH [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9860: Leif Leonhardy, Jeroen Demeyer: Port changes in PARI 2.3.5.p4 (#9722) to current 2.4.3 [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer, Leif Leonhardy] Merged in sage-4.6.alpha1: #783: Mike Hansen: dilog is lame [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #1431: Jason Grout, Karl-Dieter Crisman: basic plotting: add support for setting the location and labels of all tick marks on the x and y axes [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #6934: Jason Grout: Fix eigenvectors (and a lot of other stuff) for symbolic matrices [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #6938: Karl-Dieter Crisman: sage-README-osx.txt is non-sensical for a source distribution. [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #7154: Ryan Grout: options for point/arrow thickness are inconsistently named [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #7199: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: inefficiency of creation of sparse matrices [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #8838: Ryan Grout: make "arrow()" take 3d vectors [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #8950: Oriol Castejon: new function for sage.calculus.desolve module [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal, Pablo Angulo, Marshall Hampton] #9076: Vincent Delecroix: plot Arc of circle and ellipse [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9199: Ryan Grout: plot(..., fill=False) still turns on filling [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #9200: Dana Ernst, Burcin Erocal: Add left and right directions to limits [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #9203: Vincent Delecroix: plot ellipses [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9296: Volker Braun: Add lattice computations for convex polyhedral cones [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #9315: William Stein: sage-4.4.3, 4.4.4: Basic pickling bug in finite fields [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9330: Chris Wuthrich: Documentation for sha_tate.py not quite looking right [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9337: Volker Braun: Add toric divisors [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #9350: Nathann Cohen: Python max flow method [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik, David Joyner] #9395: Paul Zimmermann, Yann Laigle-Chapuy: new doctest for french book about Sage [Reviewed by Yann Laigle-Chapuy, Paul Zimmermann] #9400: William Stein, Jeroen Demeyer: modify the NumberField constructor to pass in optional integer B such that all the internal pari routines will replace the discriminant by its gcd with B, making some things massively faster. [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer, John Cremona] #9413: Chris Wuthrich: Bug in tamagawa_product_bsd for elliptic curves over QQ [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9443: Niles Johnson: infinite polynomial ring is_integral_domain and is_field omit optional argument 'proof' [Reviewed by Simon King] #9502: Andrey Novoseltsev: Basis parent bug in FreeModule [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9504: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for toric sublattices [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9603: David Kirkby, Leif Leonhardy: Build iconv in parallel, install it on HP-UX and make it work properly on Solaris 64-bit. [Reviewed by Peter Jeremy, Leif Leonhardy, David Kirkby] #9650: Joris Vankerschaver: Adding support for differential forms [Reviewed by Niles Johnson] #9652: Maarten Derickx: Unnecessary and buggy code in arith.py [Reviewed by Marco Streng, John Cremona, Luis Felipe Tabera] #9674: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: fix SBox __init__ (again) [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #9676: Ed Scheinerman: Random Tree constructor for graphs section [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9684: Pin-Hung Kao, Armin Straub, Charlie Turner: Make use of _tidy_model() optional [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9687: Rob Beezer: Update citation info for Tower of Hanoi graph generator [Reviewed by Billy Wonderly] #9696: Rob Beezer: Add methods to AdditiveAbelianGroup [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9709: Richard Lindner: Crypto lattice basis generator (update) [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #9720: Billy Wonderly: Add random echelonizable matrices to matrix/constructor.py [Reviewed by David Joyner] #9733: Alexander Dreyer, François Bissey: Parallel build of Singular 3-1-1-4-package fails in rare case [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel, Leif Leonhardy, David Kirkby] #9741: Rob Beezer: Sorting vertices of a graph [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9742: Rob Beezer: Sorting edges of a graph [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9749: Alex Ghitza: huge performance regression in computing with level one modular forms [Reviewed by William Stein] #9754: Billy Wonderly: Add random unimodular and subspaces matrices to matrix/constructor.py [Reviewed by David Joyner, Rob Beezer] #9771: Niles Johnson: update instructions for reviewers, especially for new developers [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9776: Mike Hansen: Cygwin: GLPK extension module needs to be more explicit in its linking [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9782: Andrey Novoseltsev: Enhanced fans fail for complicated cases [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9784: Dan Drake: list_plot should accept dictionaries [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #9802: Billy Wonderly: Add random diagonalizable matrix to matrix/constructor.py [Reviewed by David Joyner] #9803: Rob Beezer: Generalize and document the random_matrix constructor [Reviewed by David Joyner, Mike Hansen] #9804: David Kirkby: Remove unnecessary dependency for cliquer in spkg/standard/deps [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9810: Andrey Novoseltsev: Heisenbug in RationalPolyhedralCone.facets [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9812: Andrey Novoseltsev: Sorting bug in fan subdivision [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9813: Jason Grout: parametric plot and polar plot aspect ratio [Reviewed by Dan Drake] #9816: John Cremona: Elliptic Curves over RR or CC have wrong type [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich] #9836: Nathann Cohen: Linear Programming Thematic Tutorial [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9839: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add dual cone computation [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9851: Simon King: sage -pkg may hang if there are many uncommitted changes in the package [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #9852: Nathann Cohen: Error in edge_cut [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik] #9859: Leif Leonhardy: Doctest failures due to hard-coded line numbers in (doctests of) sage/rings/*.pyx [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9861: Nathann Cohen, Minh Van Nguyen: Improving the Graph Theory table of contents [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9862: Nathann Cohen: Reimplementation of IntervalGraph to handle repeated vertices. [Reviewed by Ed Scheinerman] #9871: David Kirkby, Leif Leonhardy: Change Cliquer compiler flags on Solaris to build without text relocations. [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy, John Palmieri] #9872: Alexander Dreyer: PolyBoRi incorrectly reports a GNU linker is used with gcc and produces libraries with text relocations. [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #9916: Leif Leonhardy: Change Shafarevich-Tate in BSD, ell_rational_field and padic_lseries (also fixes doctests) [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #9924: Alex Ghitza: Doctest error in sage/geometry/polyhedra.py [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] Merged in sage-4.6.alpha2: #1135: Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso: Error in preparsing generators, QuadraticField [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4446: Philippe Theveny, Alex Ghitza, Yann Laigle-Chapuy: New module complex_mpc using lib mpc for complex multiprecision arithmetic [Reviewed by William Stein, David Kirkby, Paul Zimmermann, Mitesh Patel] #4836: Jeroen Demeyer: pari types getattr() function ugly and inefficient [Reviewed by John Cremona] #5739: Mike Hansen, Robert Bradshaw: changed from zeta(CDF(1)) go boom! + zeta of 1 return value be consistent in different rings [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Robert Bradshaw, David Loeffler] #6327: Jeroen Demeyer: Document PARI's ellpow() function for CM curves [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #6979: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: improve sparse matrix/vector product [Reviewed by William Stein, Jason Grout, Rob Beezer] #7741: Robert Bradshaw: Can't construct a rational fraction from a symbolic one. [Reviewed by Florent Hivert, Burcin Erocal] #7883: David Roe: Added some functionality to ideals [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, David Loeffler] #8054: Mike Hansen: roots(algorithm='numpy') does not work in arbitrary precision [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #8228: Martin Albrecht, Hans Schönemann, Burcin Eröcal: Segfault in libsingular [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #8334: David Roe: Improvements to residue fields [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #8568: Burcin Erocal, Karl-Dieter Crisman: can not simplify derivative of erf [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Burcin Erocal] #8762: Johan Sebastian Rosenkilde Nielsen: the sparse=True flag is horribly broken for GF(p)[x] [Reviewed by Yann Laigle-Chapuy] #8825: Johan Grönqvist, Minh Van Nguyen: Improve documentation for function norm [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8955: Martin Albrecht: random_matrix(GF(2),2,1) always returns all 1 matrix [Reviewed by Yann Laigle-Chapuy] #9049: Andrey Novoseltsev: v4.4.1 bug in variety() over finite field extensions of Q? [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] #9359: David Loeffler: Get number field coverage up to 100% [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer] #9383: Anna Haensch, David Loeffler: Add quadratic forms code to the reference manual [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9420: Nathann Cohen: SubgraphSearch class instead of a method, digraphs fixed [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik] #9596: Marco Streng: is_totally_positive should give proven output [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9619: Leonardo Sampaio: b-coloring of a graph [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9644: John Palmieri, Leif Leonhardy: Add error messages and update documentation for spaces in $SAGE_ROOT [Reviewed by John Palmieri, David Kirkby] #9658: Jason Grout: mpz_clear->mpq_clear (typo) [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9701: Carl Witty: NumberFieldElement should have a conversion to float [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9753: Jeroen Demeyer: Simplify NumberFieldIdeal.gens_reduced() [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9755: Jason Bandlow: Symmetric Function coercion issue [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #9764: William Stein, Jeroen Demeyer: Change hashing and printing for NumberFieldIdeals [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9779: Ed Scheinerman: Grotzsch graph and Mycielski graphs [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9780: David Kirkby: Check for static libraries libatlas.a, libcblas.a, libf77blas and liblapack.a, so SAGE_ATLAS_LIB works [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #9814: David Roe: Improve creation time for p-adic elements [Reviewed by David Harvey] #9823: Robert Mařík: desolve_system is broken for a system of one equation [Reviewed by David Joyner, Ryan Hinton] #9835: Robert Marik: Make desolve more informative when solving BVP [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Burcin Erocal, Marshall Hampton] #9843: Alex Ghitza: modular/overconvergent/weightspace.py uses Maxima because of symbolic variables [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9845: Jeroen Demeyer, Mike Hansen, William Stein: lcalc doesn't build on cygwin due to missing time.h include [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9856: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: improve `augment` method for sparse matrices [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #9873: Ivan Andrus: Create Mac Application that people love to use [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Jason Grout, John Palmieri] #9876: Jeroen Demeyer: Building PARI/GP with SAGE_CHECK=yes fails on 32-bit big endian machines [Reviewed by John Palmieri, Leif Leonhardy] #9898: Jeroen Demeyer: Clean up and add functions to sage/libs/pari/decl.pxi [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9915: Carl Witty: fixes for NZMATH/Sage interoperation [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9917: David Kirkby, Leif Leonhardy: ECL has too few arguments and two many on file dpp.c [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #9925: Nathann Cohen: Doctest error in sage/graphs/graph.py [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik] #9928: Jason Grout: vectors from numpy arrays don't always work [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #9930: Nathann Cohen: Additional test in is_even_hole_free [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik] #9931: Jeroen Demeyer: Implement conversion from EllipticCurvePoint to PARI [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #9934: Volker Braun: Toric divisor class -> divisor lift should be integral [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #9936: Minh Van Nguyen: add sage.symbolic.function_factory to the reference manual [Reviewed by Niles Johnson] #9938: Franco Saliola: GAP does not start if the path to the GAP workspace file contains more than 82 characters [Reviewed by Sébastien Labbé] #9945: Robert Bradshaw: partial_fraction_decomposition broken for FpT elements [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #9946: François Bissey, Alexander Dreyer: Parallel build of Singular 3-1-1-4-package fails in other cases [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #9951: Leif Leonhardy: Missing package init file 'sage/tests/french_book/__init__.py' [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #9952: John Palmieri: make SAGE_CHECK work with SAGE_ATLAS_LIB [Reviewed by David Kirkby, Leif Leonhardy] #9961: Burcin Erocal, Robert Marik: Allow assumptions on the dependent variable in desolve [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Robert Marik] #9963: Volker Braun: non-nef divisors can have sections, too [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #9966: Jason Grout: remove texttt from html.table output [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #9968: David Loeffler: Stop Dancing Links polluting the global namespace [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9973: Jeroen Demeyer: Remove empty directories after PARI upgrade [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #10001: Jeroen Demeyer: Remove sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/sea.py [Reviewed by John Cremona] #10005: Andrey Novoseltsev: Update scheme overview [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #10016: Leif Leonhardy: R's spkg-install calls "sage -f ..." to install the contained Rpy spkg [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #10019: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: big performance issue with variance and std [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #10021: Volker Braun: Empty LatticePolytope fails [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #10022: Volker Braun: Cone.is_smooth() returns wrong answer [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] Merged in sage-4.6.alpha3: #3893: Niles Johnson: random_element methods should all accept *args and **kwds [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #4000: Sebastian Pancratz, Martin Albrecht, William Stein, Jeroen Demeyer, Robert Beezer: Implement QQ['x'] via Flint ZZ['x'] + denominator [Reviewed by John Cremona, Martin Albrecht, Alex Ghitza, Harald Schilly, William Stein, Mitesh Patel] #4342: Arnaud Bergeron, Karl-Dieter Crisman: Add legends to plot.py [Reviewed by Jason Grout, Mike Hansen, Karl-Dieter Crisman] #5759: Luis Felipe Tabera: bug in divides [Reviewed by John Cremona] #8820: John Cremona: elliptic_exponential broken for curves over number fields [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich, Jeroen Demeyer] #9058: Nathann Cohen: Computing the k-core of a graph [Reviewed by Leonardo Sampaio] #9221: Jason Grout: update matplotlib to 1.0.0 and clean out the patches [Reviewed by David Kirkby, Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9394: Burcin Erocal: latex representation of negative coefficients broken [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9538: Robert Dodier, Burcin Erocal: internal side effect in roots? [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #9664: Andrey Novoseltsev: Graphical representation of fans [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #9740: Jason Grout: matrix plot is upside down and should wrap more matplotlib options [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9746: Jason Grout: documentation for plotting [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9828: Robert Bradshaw, Craig Citro, Leif Leonhardy: Upgrade to Cython 0.13 [Reviewed by Jason Grout, Leif Leonhardy, Mitesh Patel] #9878: Burcin Erocal: symbolic zeta(1) should return unsigned infinity [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9879: Burcin Erocal, Karl-Dieter Crisman: allow preventing automatic evaluation of symbolic expressions (hold) [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Jean-Pierre Flori] #9881: Burcin Erocal: fix the symbolic csgn function on complex input [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9900: Burcin Erocal: better conjugation for special functions [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9901: Burcin Erocal: update pynac to 0.2.1 [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #10004: Simon King: The gap instances in a parallelised function do not always have distinct _local_tmpfile [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #10045: Robert Bradshaw: FInite field coercion bug [Reviewed by William Stein] #10066: Ed Scheinerman: Create the "Bucky Ball" graph [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #10089: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix stdsage.pxi include in sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #10097: Jason Grout, Mitesh Patel: Sage won't start after moving or renaming the 4.6.alpha3 root directory [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #10099: Mike Hansen: Sage crashes printing copy of symbolic option inside Pynac. [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, David Kirkby, Jean-Pierre Flori] #10102: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix sage_mod2 in c_lib/src/gmp_globals.c [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #10106: David Kirkby: Change "export FC=foo" to "FC=foo ; export FC" and similar in scipy_sandbox [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] Merged in sage-4.6.rc0: #6235: John Palmieri: set MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable when Sage starts up [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #8677: Volker Braun, William Stein: Race condition creating dirs during Sage build [Reviewed by Volker Braun, Mitesh Patel] #9210: Jason Grout: pkg-config's prefix statements in SAGE_LOCAL/lib/pkgconfig not changed upon Sage move [Reviewed by David Kirkby, Karl-Dieter Crisman] #9422: Nathann Cohen: Slightly improving is_forest [Reviewed by Leonardo Sampaio] #9798: Volker Braun: Accelerate Polyhedron constructor and fix cddlib output ordering [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik, Marshall Hampton] #9896: Leif Leonhardy: Upgrading from 4.5.3 to 4.6.alpha* can fail (not limited to MacOS X) [Reviewed by John Palmieri, Mitesh Patel] #9959: Jeroen Demeyer: Get PARI/GP to stop starting automatically [Reviewed by John Cremona] #10041: Joris Vankerschaver: Doctest failure in sage/tensor/differential_forms.py [Reviewed by Niles Johnson] #10042: Dima Pasechnik: Doctest failure in sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #10053: Joris Vankerschaver: Equality testing instead of comparisons in differential forms code [Reviewed by Niles Johnson] #10098: Volker Braun: Flaky doctest in sage/interfaces/expect.py [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #10104: Mike Hansen: #9920 breaks bdisted binaries [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] Merged in sage-4.6: #9530: Thomas Bächler, Leif Leonhardy: Improve/fix readline workarounds for Arch Linux and openSUSE, again broken on OpenSUSE 11.2 and 11.3 [Reviewed by David Kirkby]